A Friendship that Blossomed Online

A Friendship that Blossomed Online

Five years ago, I came across a person on a parenting website and then stumbled upon her blog. It was a very chance meeting and to this day, I wonder at the forces in the universe that must have been working overtime to make it happen.

In the short time that we’ve known each other, I feel like we’ve known each other forever! You know those memes about couples completing each other’s sentences? We do that!


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How the Sun turned things around

The sun has never been my best friend.

Or to put it more correctly, my skin and sunlight never did get along the way you’d expect them to. There’s a reason you won’t find many pictures of mine which reveal my forearms or the nape of my neck. If you do, they would have been captured from a safe distance, so as to obscure or at least partly camouflage the tell-tale signs of Mr. Sun’s rays.

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