I stood in front of the stove, waiting for the tea to boil. Yes, I can see you rolling your eyes. Why does everything have to be about tea with this woman? Guilty as charged but hear me out. Continue reading “Slow Social Media and why I enjoy it a good deal”
Category: Social Media
The 24-hour challenge: Can you do it?
The time was 8:37 p.m.
I remember it so clearly, almost as if someone announced it over the foghorn in a crowded room. 8:37 p.m.
Just a minute earlier, it had occurred to me that I must undertake this challenge. I’d read about it, toyed with the idea, wondered if I could actually do it and decided that plunging right in was the only way to really find out.
And so began my 24-hour challenge: The aim was to go for 24 hours without access to the Internet.
Quitting the ‘like’ button
I wrote this nearly 4 years ago. Ever since that time, I’ve come to understand that the ‘like’ button is such a passive, effortless form of interaction. That’s not necessarily a good thing.
It’s a busy world we live in. We have jobs to rush to, soccer matches that kids must reach on time, bills that need paying and hey, blog posts that need writing.
But written blog posts are useless unless they are actually read. Am I right? As you can tell, I’m one of those who is constantly trying to curate the reading and blogging experience to my advantage. I stumble across some fabulous blogs in the course of my blog hops and am compelled to comment and share them right away. Continue reading “Quitting the ‘like’ button”