6 simple home truths from the Demonetisation scene

6 simple home truths from the Demonetisation scene

I love stories. There’s something about the way they build up, collect in a beautiful funnel of emotions and then trickle down into a simply amazing formula of emotions and thoughts for the world to read.

But a story out of demonetisation? Really? You knew this was coming. I mean, it’s all over the news and social media feeds, so obviously I was going to write about it.

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Whose cup of tea are you? 

​I’m sitting in a cozy corner far away from home right now. It’s the kind of place that is silent and comfortable because it’s away from the city. No traffic rumbles by, no heavy noises dot the landscape. Just me, my thoughts and my cup of steaming tea.

People who know me well know of my penchant for tea. Okay, fine. I mean, my obsession with tea. It’s kind of strange though that a lot of my posts are inspired by this brew.

Tea making is a reflective, introspective process. The time it takes for the leaves to soak in the boiling water, infuse their aroma into the liquid and come out looking larger and shinier is something that fascinates me.

Experiences are like that where I’m concerned. As I grow older, every waking second is a tea-making journey. I learn that we can keep growing as individuals, as parents, as friends, as writers.

If the tea making process is reflective, the drinking of it fills me with gratitude. Each day’s cuppa is special. Why? I find time to give thanks for the people in my life.

Writing used to be a lonely journey for many but with blogging and community and social media  it’s gloriously different now. The best part is our blogs don’t just connect us to readers. They help us make friends.

On the morning  of my six-day long getaway, I posted a request for must-see places in Mangalore. Within the hour, I was flooded with suggestions from friends on Facebook with more details than I’d have found in a Lonely Planet guide! You can’t buy that kind of value.

Many months ago, I’d considered deactivating my social media accounts indefinitely. Because, apparently, I wasn’t some people’s cup of tea.

But guess what. That’s okay. That’s more than okay .If we live our lives expecting that we’d always be loved, always be respected for our choices and forever accepted, we will never be happy.

What’s important is to find out whose cup of tea you are.

You’ll never be everyone’s cup of tea. Some people prefer coffee. And that’s just the way it should be.


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Are you everyone's cup of tea? No and it's not possible either. What you must do instead is find the ones who like you and be with them instead of pursuing those who have no time for you. #Shailajav #lifelessons #Relationships

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