Break, break, Break

Break, break, break

gently, my love.

Upon the shore of my heart

leave your pain, your worries and your heartbreak.


Rend, rend, rend

upon my shoulder

those feelings of sadness, inadequacy and despair.


Rip, rip, rip

From the soul of your being

The meaningless garb of self-pity, guilt and worthlessness.


Lay it all at my door

Lay it out as you would on a sparkling, clean floor;

Watch as I wash it all away

Without question, without contempt and without pretense.


For in your agony I see what I never did tell another soul:

A mirror to my own suffering.

TripCoorg Chelavara Falls 06410_smlUpl

Thank you to Lord Alfred Tennyson for the first line for today’s verse